Prof. M.S. Swaminathan

Prof. M.S. Swaminathan

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Prof. M.S. Swaminathan is 100 years old elected from as Rajyasabha member. He is a member of .

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Author of Sustainable Livelihood Security Models like biovillage, biovalley and bioparks and of the concept, "Non-violence to Nature should become a Non-negotiable Human Ethic"
has been acclaimed as one of the twenty most influential Asians of the 20th Century by TIME Magazine
has been described by the United Nations Environment Programme as "the Father of Economic Ecology" and by Javier Perez de Cuellar, former Secretary General of the United Nations, as "a living legend who will go into the annals of history as a world scientist of rare distinction"
has been widely referred to as the scientific leader of the green revolution movement
an acknowledged world leader in the field of sustainable food security
Fellow of many of the leading scientific academies of India and the world
Foreign Associate, National Academy of Sciences of the United States, 1977
Former Chairman, National Commission on Farmers Chairman of National Committee set up by the Government of India, 1980-2002: (i) Expert Group on programmes for the alleviation of poverty, (ii) Task force for the study of eco-development in the Himalayan Region, (iii) Task Force for developing an eco-development plan for Goa, (iv) Committee for the development of water resources of Western Ghats, (v) Expert Group on perishable agricultural commodities and (vi) Study Group on fuel wood requirements Honorary Positions in International Committees / Organisations: Founder Chairman, Trustees of the Iwokrama International Centre for the Sustainable Management of Rainforests, Guyana, 1992-99
Chairman, (i) Committee of the Whole, UN Conference on Desertification, Nairobi, 1977, UN Science Advisory Committee to take follow up action on the Vienna Plan of Action, 1980
(ii) U.N. Advisory Committee on Science and Technology for Development, 1980-83, (iii) UN Advisory Committee on Science and Technology for Development, 1980-83, (iv) Governing Board CAB International, 1991-94, (v) Global Hunger Project, 1994-2000 and (vi) Genetic Resources Policy Committee of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, 1994-2002
Independent Chairman, FAO Council, 1981-1985
Vice-Chairman, (i) Technical Advisory Committee to the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), 1971-1977, and (ii) Protein-Calorie Advisory group of United Nations, 1972-1977
President, (i) International Federation of Agricultural Research Systems for Development (IFARD), 1976-1983, and (ii) International Bee Research Association (IBRA), 1978-1990
Founder-Trustee, Biobliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt
Trustee, Ford Foundation, 1989-97
Member, (i) Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee, Tropical Diseases Research, World Health Organisaion, 1983-85 and (ii) China International Council for Sustainable Development, 1992-2002
Andrew D. White Professor-at-Large, Cornell University, U.S.A., 1989-95 Author of Sustainable Livelihood Security Models like biovillage, biovalley and bioparks and of the concept, "Non-violence to Nature should become a Non-negotiable Human Ethic"
has been acclaimed as one of the twenty most influential Asians of the 20th Century by TIME Magazine
has been described by the United Nations Environment Programme as "the Father of Economic Ecology" and by Javier Perez de Cuellar, former Secretary General of the United Nations, as "a living legend who will go into the annals of history as a world scientist of rare distinction"
has been widely referred to as the scientific leader of the green revolution movement
an acknowledged world leader in the field of sustainable food security
Fellow of many of the leading scientific academies of India and the world
Foreign Associate, National Academy of Sciences of the United States, 1977
Former Chairman, National Commission on Farmers Chairman of National Committee set up by the Government of India, 1980-2002: (i) Expert Group on programmes for the alleviation of poverty, (ii) Task force for the study of eco-development in the Himalayan Region, (iii) Task Force for developing an eco-development plan for Goa, (iv) Committee for the development of water resources of Western Ghats, (v) Expert Group on perishable agricultural commodities and (vi) Study Group on fuel wood requirements Honorary Positions in International Committees / Organisations: Founder Chairman, Trustees of the Iwokrama International Centre for the Sustainable Management of Rainforests, Guyana, 1992-99
Chairman, (i) Committee of the Whole, UN Conference on Desertification, Nairobi, 1977, UN Science Advisory Committee to take follow up action on the Vienna Plan of Action, 1980
(ii) U.N. Advisory Committee on Science and Technology for Development, 1980-83, (iii) UN Advisory Committee on Science and Technology for Development, 1980-83, (iv) Governing Board CAB International, 1991-94, (v) Global Hunger Project, 1994-2000 and (vi) Genetic Resources Policy Committee of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, 1994-2002
Independent Chairman, FAO Council, 1981-1985
Vice-Chairman, (i) Technical Advisory Committee to the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), 1971-1977, and (ii) Protein-Calorie Advisory group of United Nations, 1972-1977
President, (i) International Federation of Agricultural Research Systems for Development (IFARD), 1976-1983, and (ii) International Bee Research Association (IBRA), 1978-1990
Founder-Trustee, Biobliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt
Trustee, Ford Foundation, 1989-97
Member, (i) Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee, Tropical Diseases Research, World Health Organisaion, 1983-85 and (ii) China International Council for Sustainable Development, 1992-2002
Andrew D. White Professor-at-Large, Cornell University, U.S.A., 1989-95 Honorary Positions in organisations devoted to Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development: Founder Chairman, Society forthe promotion of Wasteland Development, India, 1982 - 86
Chairman, (i) Advisory Panel on Environment, Forestry and Food Security of the World Commission on Environment and Development, 1984-86, (ii) Editorial Advisory Panel for the World Resources Report, 1986-1998, and (iii) Board of Trustees, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi, since 2003
President, (i) International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resoucres, 1984-90, (iii) International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems, 1990-93 and (iv) World Wide Fund for Nature (India), 1989-96
Honorary Vice-President, World Wild Life Fund International, 1985-87
Trustee, (i) World Resources Institute, 1985-1994 and (ii) Better World Society, 1986-1992
Founder Member and later Chairman, Board of Trustees of the International Council for Research on Agro-forestry, 1977-1982
Father's Name Late Dr. M.K. Sambasivan
Mother's Name Late Shrimati Thangam
Assets More than 2 Crore(s)
Profession ,
Education B.Sc., Ph.D. Educated at Travancore University, Coimbatore Agricultural College, Madras University and School of Agriculture, University of Cambridge, U.K. Associateship of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi UNESCO Fellow in Genetics at the Agricultural University at Wageningen, the Netherlands Research Associate in Genetics at the University of Wisconsin, U.S.A. Recepient of 65 Honorary Doctorate degrees from Universities around the world
Permanent Address 21, Rathora Nagar, Teynampet, Chennai - 600018
Telephone : {044} 24345312, 22542790
Communication Address 503, Brahmaputra, Dr. B. D. Marg, New Delhi - 110001
Telephone : 23731688, 23766897
Email address
Author: (i) Building a National Food Security System, Indian Environmental Society, 1981, (ii) Science and Integrated Rural Development, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1982, (iii) Science and the conquest of hunger, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1983, (iv) Sustainable Agriculture: Towards an Evergreen Revolution, Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, 1996, (v) Sustainable Agriculture : Towards Food Security, Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, 1996, (vi) I Predict : A Century of Hope Towards an era of harmony with nature and freedom from hunger, East West Books Pvt. Ltd., 1999 and (vii) From Rio de Janeiro to Johannesburg - Action Today and not just promises for tomorrow, East West Books Pvt. Ltd., Madras, 2002
Co-Authored with S.L.Kochhar: (i) Groves of Beauty and Plenty - An Atlas of Major Flowering Trees in India, Macmillan India Ltd., Delhi, 2003, (ii) Groves of Beauty and Plenty - An Atlas of Major Flowering Trees in India (Second Edition), Macmillan India Ltd., Delhi, 2007
Editor: (i) Biotechnology in Agriculture: A dialogue, 1991, (ii) Information Technology : A dialogue, 1993, (iii) Wheat Revolution : A dialogue, 1993, (iv) Uncommon Opportunities : An Agenda for Peace and equitable development, 1994, (v) Ecotechnology and Rural Employment : A dialogue, 1994, (vi) Farmers' Rights and Plant Genetic Resources : A dialogue, 1995, (vii) Agro-biodiversity and Farmers' Rights, 1996, (viii) Gender Dimensions in Biodiversity Management, 1998 and (ix) Agriculture Cannot Wait : New Horizons in Indian Agriculture, 2007
Co-editor: (i) Cytogenetics of crop plants, 1983, (ii) New Frontiers in Technology Application, 1983, (iii) Global aspects of Food Production, 1985, (iv) Proceeding of the first International Symposium on Chromosome engineering in plants, 1986, (v) Plants and Society, 1989, (vi) Biotechnology : Reaching the Unreached - an interdisciplinary dialogue, 1991, (vii) Biotechnolgy for Asian Agriculture: Public Policy Implications, 1991, (viii) Biodiversity : Implications for Global Food Security, 1992, (ix) Sustainable Management of Coastal Ecosystems, 1993, (x) Towards a Hunger-free World: The Ethical Dimensions, 2004, (xi) National Food Security Summit, (selected papers) 2004, (xii) Towards Hunger Free India : From Vision to Action, 2004, (xiii) Environment and Agriculture, 2006 and (xiv) Agriculture Cannot Wait, 2006
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