A.A. Jinnah

A.A. Jinnah

Introduction :

A.A. Jinnah is 84 years old elected from as Rajyasabha member. He is a member of .

More information
Had been a detenue under the Maintenance of Internal Security Act (M.I.S.A.) for one year in 1976
Trustee, Chennai, Port Trust, 1996-98
Advocate, D.M.K. Party Headquarters for ten years
Legal Advisor, T.I.I.C., and Government and private firms
was Secretary, (i) Tamil Association, Loyola College, 1961-63
and (ii) Madras Law College Students' Council
was President, City Colleges Students' Association, Madras
Father's Name Shri Mohamed Sulaiman
Mother's Name Shrimati Kathija Beevi
Assets More than 2 Crore(s)
Education B.A., B.L. Educated at Loyola College, Chennai and Law College, Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Permanent Address 97, V.R.M. Street, Vijayapuram, Distt. - Tiruvapur, Tamil Nadu - 600102
Telephone : {044} 26204600, 26260999, Mobile: 09445300999
Communication Address 9, South Avenue, New Delhi - 110011
Telephone : 23794171, Mobile: 9868181579
Email address
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