Anubhav Mohanty

Anubhav Mohanty

Introduction :

Anubhav Mohanty is 44 years old elected from as Rajyasabha member. He is a member of .

Father's Name Abhaya Kumar Mohanty
Mother's Name Madhusmita Mohanty
Spouse's Name Varsha Priyadarshini
Place of birth Cuttack,Odisha
Party Name
Profession ,
Education Graduate
Permanent Address At-Nandi Sahi, Choudhury Bazar, Cuttack, Odisha,753001
Communication Address Flat No. 101, SWAJAS Deluxe, Dr. B.D. Marg, New Delhi
Contact Number 9437300373, 9437000038,011-23329188
Email address

Elected to Rajya Sabha

June 2014

Member, Committee on Human Resource Development Member, Committee on Empowerment of Women

Sept. 2014

Member, Select Committee of Rajya Sabha on the Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Bill, 2015

March 2015

Member, Select Committee of Rajya Sabha on the Prevention of Corruption (Amendment)Bill, 2013

Dec. 2015
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