Avtar Singh Karimpuri

Avtar Singh Karimpuri

Introduction :

Avtar Singh Karimpuri is 61 years old elected from as Rajyasabha member. He is a member of .

More information
President, Bahujan Samaj Party, Punjab since 2003
General Secretary, Bahujan Samaj Party, Punjab, 1994-99
Central Executive Member, Bahujan Samaj Party, Punjab, 2000-2002
Father's Name Late Shri Sada Ram
Mother's Name Shrimati Amar Kaur
Assets More than 71 Lac(s)
Education Intermediate, B.A. (Public Administration), Diploma in Police Administration, Diploma in Social Welfare Administration, M.A. (Human Rights) (Part-I), Post Graduate Diploma in Criminology and Forensic Science Educated at Govt. High School, Kotranjha, (Punjab) and Annamalai University
Permanent Address 69, Ward No. 13, Mahilpur, Tehsil-Garahshankar, Distt.- Hoshiyarpur, Punjab
Telephone : {01884} 247599 (R), {0181} 2685258 (O), Mobile: 09417056999
Communication Address 88, South Avenue, New Delhi - 110011
Telephone : 23011699, 23795067, Mobile: 9868181598
Email address
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