Balram Tanwar

Balram Tanwar

Introduction :

Balram Tanwar is 68 years old Contested from of state as a member of . Balram Tanwar was born to Late Sh. Teja & Mam Kaur and is married to Keshar

Constituency ,
Party Name
Assets More than 4 Crore(s)
Education B.A. (D.U)
Permanent Address H.No.65, Bari Bhatti Village, New Delhi Corres. Address :- Teja Farm, Dera Mor, Mehrauli, New Delhi - 74
Communication Address H.No.65, Bari Bhatti Village, New Delhi Corres. Address :- Teja Farm, Dera Mor, Mehrauli, New Delhi - 74
Contact Number 9811120259, 9810707777, 9911020259, 9811633217 26653000, 26654000 28601717(O)
Email address

MLA elected in 2003 and re-elected in fourth Legislative Assembly in 2008.

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