D.Kupendra Reddy

D.Kupendra Reddy

Introduction :

D.Kupendra Reddy is 65 years old elected from as Rajyasabha member. He is a member of .

Father's Name Shri V.S. Dasa Reddy
Mother's Name Shrimati Savithramma
Spouse's Name Shrimati R. Pushpavathi
Place of birth Bangalore (Karnataka)
Party Name
Assets More than 462 Crore(s)
Profession ,
Permanent Address 7557, Vangalahalli, HSR Layout, Sector-1, Agara Post, Bangalore
Communication Address Bungalow No. 24, Mahadev Road, New Delhi
Contact Number {080}25723165, Mobile: 09980055599
Email address
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