Dharam Dev Solanki

Dharam Dev Solanki

Introduction :

Dharam Dev Solanki is 75 years old Contested from of state as a member of . Dharam Dev Solanki was born to Master Hari Krishan Solanki and is married to Smt. Jagmati Devi

Constituency ,
Party Name
Assets More than 9 Crore(s)
Profession ,
Permanent Address Village Nasirpur, Palam, Delhi
Communication Address RZ,2A/1, Puran Nagar, Main Road, Palam Village, New Delhi-45
Contact Number 9811007357, 9312288971, 25082243, 25089052
Email address

Elected to first Delhi Legislative Assembly


. Re-elected MLA


Re-elected MLA for the Fourth Legislative Assembly

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