Dr. M.S. Gill

Dr. M.S. Gill

Introduction :

Dr. M.S. Gill is 89 years old elected from as Rajyasabha member. He is a member of .

More information
Served in the Indian Administrative Service (I.A.S.), 1958-93
allotted to the Punjab Cadre of the I.A.S
organized and led the Sokoto Agriculture Development Project, Nigeria, funded by World Bank during 1981-85
Father's Name Col. Pratap Singh Gill
Mother's Name Shrimati Niranjan Kaur
Assets More than 2 Crore(s)
Education Senior Cambridge, B.A. (Honours), M.A., Ph.D., Diploma in Development Studies, University of Cambridge Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa) : Punjab Agriculture University, Panjab University, Haryana Agriculture University, Madras University, Gauhati University and Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar
Permanent Address Vill. Aldinpur, Distt.-Amritsar, Punjab
Communication Address 12, Mother Teresa Crescent Road, New Delhi - 110011
Telephone : 23014216, 23792953
Email address
(i) Himalayan Wonderland: Travels in Lahaul - Spiti, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1972, revised edition-Penguin Books Ltd., 2010, (ii) Folk Tales of Lahaul, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1977, (second edition, 1978), (iii) Lahaul and Spiti, Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, April, 1975, (iv) "An Assessment of the Green Revolution in India" in J.G.Hawkes (edited), Conservation and Agriculture, Duckworth, London, 1978, (v) Punjab Agriculture, Government of Punjab, November, 1979, (vi) Agricultural Cooperatives : A Case Study of Punjab, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1983, which was subsequently updated and published under the title : An Indian Success Story - Agriculture and Cooperatives, Somaiya Publications Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, 1993, (vii) The Electoral System in India, Election Commission of India, 1997 and (viii) Elections in India - Major Events and New Initiatives, 1996-2000, Election Commission of India, September, 2000
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