Mateen Ahmed

Mateen Ahmed

Introduction :

Mateen Ahmed is 67 years old Contested from of state as a member of . Mateen Ahmed was born to Sh. Mehfooz Ali and is married to Smt. Surraiya Begum

Constituency ,
Party Name
Education B.A
Permanent Address C-53/9A,Nurani Masjid Road, Chauhan Bangar, Seelampur, Delhi-53
Communication Address C-53/9A,Nurani Masjid Road, Chauhan Bangar, Seelampur, Delhi-53
Contact Number 9810258560, 22568289, 22192222
Email address

elected member of Delhi Vidhan Sabha


again elected


Chairman of Delhi Wakf Board

2003.since 1-11-2004.

Re-elected as MLA in the Fourth Legislative Assembly

Gen. Secy. Block Congress 1996
Vice-President, Delhi Pradesh Congress 1997
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