Naresh Agrawal

Naresh Agrawal

Introduction :

Naresh Agrawal is 74 years old elected from as Rajyasabha member. He is a member of .

More information
Was associated with the Congress Party and the Samajwadi Party
Father's Name Late Shri S.C. Agarwal
Mother's Name Late Shrimati Shanti Agarwal
Assets More than 2 Crore(s)
Profession ,
Education B.Sc., LL.B. Educated at Lucknow University, Lucknow
Permanent Address B-988, Sector-A, Mohanagar, Lucknow (U.P.)
Telephone : {0522} 2321798, 2321797
Communication Address AB 12-A, Mathura Road, New Delhi. 110001
Email address
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