Parsottambhai Rupala

Parsottambhai Rupala

Introduction :

Parsottambhai Rupala is 71 years old elected from as Rajyasabha member. He is a member of .

More information
State President, Bharatiya Janata Party, Gujarat, since October 2006
General-Secretary, B.J.P., Gujarat, June 2005-October 2006
Father's Name Shri Khodabhai Madhabhai
Mother's Name Shrimati Hariben Khodabhai
Party Name
Assets More than 1 Crore(s)
Education B.Sc., B.Ed. Educated at Saurashtra University and Gujarat University
Permanent Address At&Post:Isvaria, T. Amreli, Dist: Amreli, Gujarat.
Telephone : {02792} 240928
Communication Address 501, Brahamaputra, Dr. B.D. Marg, New Delhi - 110001
Telephone : 23753530, Mobile: 9868181393
Email address

Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Agriculture & Farmer Welfare, Panchayati Raj.

2014 Onwards
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