Dr. Mahendra Prasad

Dr. Mahendra Prasad

Introduction :

Dr. Mahendra Prasad is 85 years old elected from as Rajyasabha member. He is a member of .

Background information of Dr. Mahendra Prasad:
Mahendra Prasad is currently richest member of parliament as per declaration by official affidavit. Most of his assets are in movable form in banks as fixed deposits. Mahendra was a Congress party member. He holds the Limca Book of Records for as the most traveled person having visited 205 countries including Antarctica till 15th August, 2008.
Father's Name Late Shri Baliram Sharma
Mother's Name Late Shrimati Muluk Rani Devi
Party Name
Assets More than 683 Crore(s)
Profession ,,,,
Education Graduation with Honours in Economics Educated at Middle School and High School, Okari and Patna College, Patna University
Permanent Address Vill. Govindpur, P.O. Modanganj, P.S. Ghoshi, Distt. Jehanabad (Bihar)
Communication Address 4, Safdarjung Lane, New Delhi - 110011
Telephone : 23794441, 23013545, Fax : 23012299, Mobile 9868181167
Email address
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