Prasanta Chatterjee

Prasanta Chatterjee

Introduction :

Prasanta Chatterjee is 86 years old elected from as Rajyasabha member. He is a member of .

More information
Member, Governing Board, The Calcutta Improvement Trust
Founder Member, Citizens Committee
President, Busti (Slums) Federation, Kolkata
Father's Name Late Shri Ananda Mohan Chatterjee
Mother's Name Shrimati Leela Chatterjee
Assets More than 33 Lac(s)
Education Matriculation Educated at Narikeldanga High School, Kolkata and City College, Kolkata
Permanent Address Block-T, Flat No. 4, Maniktolla Govt. Housing Estate,VIP Road, Kolkata - 700054
Telephone : {033} 23558888, Mobile: 09433058844
Communication Address 102-104, South Avenue, New Delhi 110011
Telephone : 23093531, 23092081 Mobile: 9868181792
Email address
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