Ram Jethmalani

Ram Jethmalani

Introduction :

Ram Jethmalani is 102 years old elected from as Rajyasabha member. He is a member of .

More information
Involved in social work, slum clearance
specialist in Criminal Law and Constitutional Law
part-time Professor, Government Law College, Bombay
currently teaching at the National Law School of India University, Bangalore
Professor Emeritus, Symbiosis College of Law, Pune
Honorary Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi
taught International Law briefly, Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan (U.S.A.)
appointed Vice-President, World Peace through Law Centre, 1973 and later became Honorary President, Australia and Asia Section
Chairman, Bar Council of India, 1970
Member, (i) International Bar Association, 1966 and (ii) Editorial Board of Lex et Juris
knows English, Hindi and Sindhi languages
Father's Name Late Shri Bulchand Gurmukh Dass
Mother's Name Shrimati Parbati Jethmalani
Assets More than 2 Crore(s)
Education LL.M. Educated at S.C. Shahani Law College, Karachi
Permanent Address 41, Advent, 12-A, General Jagannath Bhonsale Marg, Mumbai - 400021
Telephone : {022}22024403, 22024990
Communication Address 2, Akbar Road, New Delhi - 110011
Telephone : 23792287, 23794651, 23795095
Email address
(i) Conflict of Laws, 1955 (ii) Justice: Soviet Style and (iii) Big Egos and Small Men
Contributor of articles to Indian Express, Illustrated Weekly, Asian Age and Tehelka
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