Introduction :

RAMDAS ATHAWALE is 66 years old elected from as Rajyasabha member. He is a member of .

Background information of RAMDAS ATHAWALE:


Father's Name Shri Bandu Bapu Athawale
Mother's Name Shrimati Honsabai Bandu Athawale
Spouse's Name Seema Athawale
Party Name
Assets More than 3 Crore(s)
Profession ,
Permanent Address 647, 'Savindhan' Gandhi Nagar, Near. Guru Nanak Hospital, Bandra (East),Mumbai 400051
Communication Address 102, New Maharashtra Sadan, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi
Contact Number 9004809627
Email address

Minister Of State (Independent Charge) Social Justice & Empowerment.

2014 Onwards
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