Smt. Thota Seetharama Lakshmi

Smt. Thota Seetharama Lakshmi

Introduction :

Smt. Thota Seetharama Lakshmi is 74 years old elected from as Rajyasabha member. He is a member of .

Father's Name Shri Venkataratnam
Mother's Name Shrimati Narayanamma
Spouse's Name Shri Thota Satyanarayana
Place of birth Balusumudi, Distt. West Godavari (Andhra Pradesh)
Party Name
Assets More than 6 Crore(s)
Education Secondary Education Educated at Z.P. High School, Vill. Upuluru, Distt. West Godavari (Andhra Pradesh)
Permanent Address H.No. 26-9-65/1, Anurag Balusumudi, Bhimavaram, West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh534202 Tel. - {08816}227444, 229444, Mobile: 09848544469
Communication Address C-101, Swarna Jayanti Sadan, Dr. B.D. Marg, New Delhi 110001
Contact Number 23322729,21430276, 9013181005 & 9013181159
Email address
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