Hishey Lachungpa

Hishey Lachungpa

Introduction :

Hishey Lachungpa is 58 years old elected from as Rajyasabha member. He is a member of .

More information
Was jailed in 1993 during the movement launched by the Sikkim Democratic Front for restoration of democracy and rule of law in the State
Founder Member, Sikkim Democratic Front (S.D.F.)
Presently Vice - President, Sikkim Democratic Front
Father's Name Late Shri Tshering Dorjee Lachungpa
Mother's Name Late Shrimati Phumzay Lachungpa
Assets More than 2 Crore(s)
Education B.A. Educated at Sikkim Government College, Gangtok, North Bengal University
Permanent Address Jigching House, Near District Administrative Centre Complex, Upper Sichey, Near DAC, Gangtok, East Sikkim.
Telephone : 03592-284151, Mobile: 09474691773
Communication Address Sikkim House,12, Panchsheel Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021
Email address
Has published religious prayer book in Nepali and English
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